Sunday, May 27, 2018

Words to Succeed or Fail

Our words hold great power.  They influence (or decide) our success or failure.   Most can remember at one time in their childhood being told to not say something negative about an issue, person or situation.

There are probably a few words that should be eliminated from any person's vocabulary if they want to be happy in life or career.

The first word is obvious...can't "I can't" is a short but deadly sentence!  But what are some of the other words that need to be silenced?

A close second, in my opinion, is "wish."  Wish in itself is not a bad word or thing.  But wish can not achieve anything unless a genie suddenly appeared and has granted wishes!

Another three letter word that can be a roadblock to success is "not" as in not me, not yet, and not now.   Believing in oneself is critical.

Self confidence begins with the person who is in the mirror looking back at you.  There is a probably one good use of the word not as in "I will not fail."  Otherwise, in the words of some animated movie song...let it, let it go!

Our words are more than a noise we make...