Friday, July 28, 2017

Life Goes On - And You Are Still Missed....

It has been a week since my best pal Diesel left me.  Sure I go for my daily walks but they are not quite the same.

The most difficult art is when I meet people while walking and get asks where my little dog is at.... that is when the hurt comes back.

I have had a couple of folks tell me that Diesel was such a cool dog.  He loved people although he was a bit stubborn at times!

That little dog made quite an impression on me.  I want to believe I made an impression on him...

Have a great day folks and cherish each walk with you pal!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Pay Attention to Your Dog... They Are Teaching You!

I wonder if many of us fail to take the time to learn the lessons our pets teach us.   Just over the past week or so I have been thinking about all the nuggets that my Boston Terrier Diesel has taught me over the past ten or so years.

First lesson early on was persist and you will get noticed.  When Diesel was just a young pup he wasn't one of those dogs that required extensive training about going outside to take care of business.  

No, he was a fast learner and found that if he went and sat by the front door someone would notice - eventually!

This lesson applies to my real estate business through the past fifteen years.  It is my blogging, networking and going the extra mile for customers.  It took a while but done long enough you do get noticed.

Diesel loved to walk every day - several times.  Early on he would love to go walking but then, at any given time, he would decide "enough is enough,lets take a break."  And it never failed that he would decide to take a break in the shade  under a tree in some stranger's yard!

Diesel taught me that playing ball every day was a good way to blow off steam.   And then I always had to leave the TV on for him whenever I left the house.  Most often it would be on Animal Planet but sometimes it was left on Foxnews so he could be an informed dog!

Diesel could have taught us all an important lesson - respect law enforcement.  

Of course this picture was taken with his original owner - my son who was a police officer at the time.  Diesel came to live me me about 8 years ago because it was too challenging to stay in all shift (12 hours) and then understand when my son had to sleep!

Another lesson about life... not sure if he taught me or I taught him but it was simple - when your road appears to end, look for another way!

Diesel was put to sleep today.  He was so loved and will be so missed.  But the memories and the lessons will last!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

If Diesel Could Speak What Would He Say?

Diesel had a very rough night last night. We were up at 2:23 a.m. and I stayed awake with him all night.  He seems to do better in the morning after sunrise.

But while sitting with him early this morning I made a promise to him that I would muster the strength to do what was necessary but hurtful.

You see, yesterday afternoon he wanted to play. I tossed his ball just about 15 feet. He ran to pick it up and fell over. I knew he had fainted. 

This morning his appetite is really diminished.  His tongue looks a bit bluish to me. He has lost weight even while eating.

I called the vet's office and made an appointment for tomorrow morning.

I guess the reality is sinking in right now.

I am also questioning whether I am doing the right thing or not.  At times he appears to be doing better and then he has no energy or enthusiasm

I hope I am doing the right thing for Diesel because it really hurts.

When I look into his eyes I think he knows the end is near.  I want to believe he trusts me to do what is best for him - not me.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

I Really Know Diesel!

It is now July 13th.  My dog Diesel seems to be going downhill this week with his heart failure and diabetes.

His breathing is labored.  His appetite is diminished today.  The end is near.

And it hurts me.

I am thinking about all my previous pets.  I was attached to them all but this little guy and I bonded the first time I saw him sitting by the front door waiting for a walk as a young pup.

I just read an article the other day in the local Florida Today newspaper about some people on Merritt Island who let their dogs  die in a fire. There were over 50 dogs.   I am not sure how anyone can adequately care for 50 dogs.

I will not judge their motivation although I wonder if they really knew any of them the way I know Diesel!