Monday, June 19, 2017

Why Does It Hurt So Much?

  My dog Diesel has a few health challenges including diabetes and heart failure.  I know his days, like mine, are numbered.  Still it pains me deeply to see him struggle at times.

  Last week he had a couple of bad days. I took him to the vet on Friday and his medications were adjusted. Still, the doctor said his condition is usually only six to twelve months before the end.
Diesel June 9, 2017.

  It has been six months so I know each day I have with Diesel is a gift. 

  I have told myself that when the bad days outnumber the good days then the inevitable must be done.  Still, it hurts.

  Diesel has been with me every day - except maybe a handful over the past eleven years.  Much of what I do every day centers around taking care of him.  I talk with him every day as well walk or ride.

  It seems the past couple of days have been better.  He brought his ball to play although it was only a few minutes.  He lets me walk him though it is short and mainly to take care of business.

  I wonder at times if he is doing these for me because he understands... he is smart.