Thursday, January 12, 2017

Every Day is Special

My grandson turned seven months old on Christmas Day.  Benjamin is named after my great-grandfather, Benjamin Raleigh Waters.  Well, his middle name is different.

He is a fighter. He had his first surgery when he was three months old.  He has another in a couple of weeks.

Last month my Uncle passed away. He was seventy-seven years old and had been married fifty-eight years.  Among the males in our family he had lived the longest of any I have ever known.  Still, seventy-seven is not a long life by today's standards.

Then last week I had a friend pass away unexpectedly. He was only fifty-six years old.  The shock really hit me because he was five years younger than I.  He had not been sick.

Life is to be cherished every day.  Whether one is a newborn (or newborn at heart), has already celebrated a golden wedding anniversary or just barely (almost) qualified for AARP membership.

One is usually never remembered for the job they do. 

No one is ever remembered for the fortune (or not) they amassed. 

No, people are remembered for the good things they have done, for the relationships they have developed, for the love they have shared...

so live today like every day is special.